Chris’ life was plagued with many struggles and hardships.  His father left him and his mother when he was 6 years old, throwing them into poverty and leaving his mother bitter as she resorted to neglect and abuse.
After dropping out of high school with little to no possibility for employment, Chris quickly turned to crime as his way of life.
Desperate for ‘family’, love and attention, he joined the inner city gang for protection.  Unfamiliar with the lifestyle, Chris’ attempts in criminal activity were sloppy and he was continuously seized by the law.  The gang, not wanting to be caught by Chris’ slatternly work, eventually turned on him, threatening his life.  He became a target by his own gang and knew there was only one escape from the group - death.
His attempt to find acceptance, even in a group of vicious, heartless thugs, had now turned into a fight to survive.
Homeless, hopeless and on the run, he huddled near a dumpster in the alley off of 5th Avenue for refuge.  Alone, cold and confused, he drifted off to sleep.
He was awakened by a cold chill.  He reached around for some papers to pull over his shivering body but felt nothing but long, flowing grass and the cold soil beneath him.  He forced his eyes open only to be blinded by the sun that spread over a stretched prairie.
The trash was gone, the dumpster was gone, the concrete, the buildings, the traffic, the people.. They were all gone.
Only wide open plains with an endless sea of grass, trees and shrubs.
Christopher’s fight for his existence no longer included the Coar City gang, it was the fight to survive life in 1868.
With crime out of the question in this vast wilderness, he had no choice but to learn to fend for himself using only the land and what it provided for him.
Without the convenience of technology and the ease of coasting through life, he rejected the lifestyle almost to his death until a pioneer family crossed his path and saved him, more ways than Christopher could ever imagine.  They taught him the trades of a farmer and how to create whatever you needed using what God provides and your own two hands.  
They taught him the importance of value, religion and morals.  Christopher watched as the father endlessly worked the fields and while the mother tirelessly tended to the home and family.  Both without complaint and all the while showing their 3 children love and affection.  Something Christopher knew nothing about.
Their oldest daughter, Hanna, paid special attention to Christopher, offering any help or support he needed.  She guided him through his new way of life and soon became what he’d always searched for.
Hanna made the convenience of the future dissolve.  She made it, somehow, not matter.  She taught him the things he always longed for but never knew.. The power of worth, the power of faith and the power of love.
A year later, when small items from the future started crossing Christopher’s path, he knew it was only a matter of time before he was sent back.  After many attempts to get back to the future, he was now struck with fear of the idea.
Sure, life in the future was easier to slide through but what was really there for him?  To spend the rest of his life with back breaking labor and hardships just to give himself a small percentage to survive was not more appealing, but here, is where he found God, his purpose, his love and himself.
He didn’t get here by choice, so how could he fight to stay?


Hanna Grace Browley was born in 1852.  When she was 16 years old, she met a curious stranger in her small village of Coar.  This coarse and abrupt young man softened, winning her heart.  She married Christopher James Scholt in the spring of 1869.  Months later, expecting their first child, he came to her to tell her the most strange and heartbreaking news.  He was from the future and he was to be sent back within only a couple of weeks.
Preparing herself for losing her husband forever, she is surprised to wake up next to him.  Not in their warm bed in their quaint home they built together in 1869 but instead; cold, hungry and homeless in a Coar City alley in the year 1998.
Growing up on the prairie with her simple, hardworking lifestyle and loving, moral family, she is shocked and overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle, the noise, the people and all of the strange new things she'd never seen or heard of before.  She was grateful to have her husband by her side.
After many set backs her husband, Chris, had to endure trying to get and keep a job, a home, medical care for their unborn baby and a stable life in this unforgiving place, Hanna sees Chris losing his hope and his faith.  
After a near tragic accident, Hanna meets and befriends a woman who helps them begin to get back on their feet providing them with a home, prenatal care, support, friendship and love.  Hanna feels blessed and begins to regain hope but she continues to see Chris slipping further and further.
Hanna soon learns that, out of desperation, Chris had rejoined his previous gang.  Angry and heartbroken and against Chris' wishes, she accepts a teaching position at a nearby elementary school.  There she meets a young boy who shares the name of a dear family friend from back in her time.
Realizing how alone she felt and how much she truly missed her family, Hanna submerges herself in old newspaper articles and on-line family trees.  She learns about many events in the years after she left her time; weddings, children, how her little village had grown into this big city she now felt trapped in.  Why was she there?  What purpose did God have for her in this time?  Why did she feel like she had to make a choice between her family and her husband and baby?
To find comfort and acceptance of her new surroundings, Hanna begins attending church with her friend.  The faith and love in Jesus Christ that she had grown up with began flooding within her again.  She felt her strength grow and knew that with God's help, they would be okay.  
However, she still worried for Chris.  Had he lost his hope and faith completely?  Would he leave this gang for good and live an honest, wholesome life with his wife and child?  Would he pray and listen for guidance from God, whom he had loved, followed and trusted back in her time?  Or, would she and the baby lose him forever?
For the sake of their marriage and their child... with guidance from Heaven above and the help of a stranger she never imagined she'd meet, let alone trust... Hanna was determined to save Chris and bring him back. 

                                                                  AVAILABLE AT:  

Anne Browley Scholt was born in 1999 to loving, stable parents, has always been close to her grandpa Scholt and had led a somewhat normal life.  Her whole life, however, seemed out of place, like she didn't belong, like she should have been born in another time.
A tortured and floundering middle school student who became the target of bullying by a former friend, Anne becomes desperate for an escape.  After a senseless but terrifying prank was pulled on her by this group of girls, Anne seeks refuge in the Coar City Christian Church.  Never attending church and not growing up in an actively Christian home, she's surprised to learn from the pastor that her parents used to attend and were faithful Christians.  After talking awhile with him, however, she finds comfort in his words and decides to pray for help.
Anne is shocked the next morning when she wakes up outside, laying next to a dirt road in her night gown.  Two girls stumble upon and help her.  They all become great friends and in just that one day, Anne learns what true friendship felt like.
Waking in her own bed the next morning, although disappointed, Anne excitedly tries to tell her parents of her new friends and that she had traveled to a strange but lovely land.  To Anne's surprise, her parents didn't believe her.  They tried to convince her that she simply dreamed of this place based from the stories her mother had told her, her entire life.  Anne knew better, she had been there.
After several more issues with the mean girls and her grades plunging, Anne felt that she was stuck in this world and saw little hope for the future. She was desperate to go back to the place where she felt safe, where she sensed peace in the beautiful landscape, the simplicity of life and where she had friends.  Once again, she turned to God with a plea-full prayer.
Anne woke up in the mysterious land.  After several visits and talking with the kind people of the town, She learned that she hadn't just traveled to another land, she had been traveling to another time - 1888.  Although Anne knew that it was real and not a dream, everything she experienced, everything she saw there and most of the people she had met were strikingly similar if not exact to her mother's, so called fiction, stories.  Could her mother have been there before?  What were her parents hiding from her and why?
Even after a terrible tragedy, the town and it's families built up Anne's faith as she formed a lasting relationship with God.  It was the comfort from above during this time when she finally realized what huge part of her life she always felt was missing. 
Each visit became longer and longer as Anne unraveled the truth about her mother's stories and the real reason her parents had strayed from their faith.  In this truth, she learns why she had been so drawn to this place, why she felt so close to the people and why she felt that this land and this time was where she belonged.  This place was her home.  Would her parents ever admit the truth to her?  She had to find out the reason for her traveling back and forth and she had to find a way to stay.
Even if she was able to win this fight, even if she was able to remain in this place forever... How could she get her parents to join her?  More importantly, how could God implement her to help restore their faith?  

                                                                  AVAILABLE AT:

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